Balloon Bouquet - Pack of 8 - Blue & Silver

Each pack contains 8 x 11" assorted balloons (some double stuffed).

Color: Assorted balloons in blues, silver and white.

Size: 11"

Material: Balloons are made of natural thick rubber latex that is 100% biodegradable.

Sold uninflated - assembly required.

Colors may vary slightly from image shown.

Nothing says class and elegance, and yet chic and playful charm, quite like our Balloon Bouquet in Blue and Silver. Reminiscent of a wintry-themed party or a stylish, luxurious wedding shower, this Balloon Bouquet, used as decorations around a party space, will make your special occasion stand out and your special person feel even more loved and pampered. There’s something about the creative assortment of silver, blue, baby blue, and white that simply oozes a youthful and yet professional aesthetic appeal. Once you’ve inflated these balloons into their bouquet arrangement, you’ll notice that some have a very distinct and unique coloring. That’s because we’ve double-stuffed some of our pieces — and the colors you get are entirely unique to Illume! It’s little details like these that make the Illume Partyware collection so undeniably beautiful and unforgettable. It’s the same attention we pay to details like construction. Our balloons are crafted from a high quality, 100% biodegradable latex that decomposes naturally. Inflate on the day for best results, or if prepared ahead of time keep your balloons sealed and stored in a cool, dark place, until you’re ready to have them take center stage at your next christening, garden party, or any occasion you have in mind.

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