Pink & Peach Cup - Pack of 10, 9OZ (300ml)

Each pack contains 10 paper cups made of high quality thick stock.

Color: Pink and peach with gold foiling.

Size: 9OZ (300ml).

Material: High quality thick paper card stock.

Enjoy your favorite beverage from this decorative pink peach ombre party cup. The Pink & Peach Cup is wide and deep enough to hold 9 ounces (300 mL) of liquid and each package comes with a set of 10 paper cups. Choose the Pink & Peach Cup for your next special occasion and enjoy the quality and style that it imbues. Our designers at Illume Partyware began with a durable cup, crafted from the highest quality of thick card-stock paper, with a smooth-finish rim that rolls right over the edge, keeping your liquids where they belong.

Next, we opted for a watercolor-like wash over the cup, starting with a soft pink at the base and moving upwards into a seamless peach blend, bringing to mind the warm hues of a summer setting sun. Finally, we finished this set of pink and peach foil spot party cups with detailed gold foiling in a confetti style, starting at the bottom and floating its way up to the rim, like celebratory bubbles of champagne. The result is a cup that feels more like a decorative element than a functional party accessory.

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